
August 1, 2014 – Culture
Telephone party? No, Eircom were not partying as a result of their corporative profits!

Upon stumbling upon Telephone’s event, a quick weather check revealed that it was going to be a day representing ‘summa, summa, summaaaaatime’ the decision was made; I was attending.

telephone 5

The event took place in an old primary school just off Cork Street. It was the perfect location with plenty of indoor space for some refreshments to be served while maintaining enough outdoor space to handle a DJ and the dancing that would inevitably come with that.

There were gorgeous bites being served, the perfect tunes pumping and a trendy crowd. The event had completely sold out with many people being turned away at the door. There was a great buzz and those attending were lucky to be a part of it.


The vibes reflected that of places like The Bernard Shaw and Toejam. What made it even better was that, despite coyly ignoring several soon-to-be attendee’s facebook questions about whether the event was BYO, it quickly became apparent that they were turning a blind eye to those nipping out and soon swannin’ back; bottle of their preferred poison in hand.



All of the original features of this primary school playground remained intact with toilets so tiny and sinks so low that it was the talk of the bathroom que. The hopscotch which remained painted on the concrete wasn’t long being taken advantage of.



The dancing really kicked off as the sun went down with a relaxed mood that saw everyone having a great time. The DJ played to the crowd really well and the seats that were once scarce at the start of the event were soon left forgotten in place of a spot on the ‘dance floor’.




Despite ending at 9.30, the day didn’t feel short lived, there was ample time for eating, drinking & dancing, and everyone stayed until the end then made their way to a club. Considering, no matter how warm it is during the day in Ireland, a warm night is unheard of, it was probably best for everyone to head indoors at that stage.

I have since been informed by the event organisers that “there shall be more” of these wonderful outdoor events, as to when? We will just have to wait and see.

Find out more about Discotekken here.

Words & Photography by i come undone