Self Talk

August 21, 2014 – Culture
I stumbled across Paul Walsh’s new book “self talk” on-line a couple of weeks ago and was I curious to know more. I met with him recently over tea to have a sneak peek of the book and have a little chat to know a bit more about the project. He was kind of enough to answer a couple of questions for me.

Paul you’ve become quite a well recognized member of the Dublin grass roots creative community, could you tell us a little more about the man behind the signature glasses and nose ring? 

You didn’t mention my moustache (laughing!) The glasses are still around but the nose ring is gone. I find that a tough question to answer. So much you can say. I studied Philosophy in UCD. I love lifting weights, love my clothes. I’m just a dude living his life with a shot of enthusiasm.

You’ve always struck me as a very positive and motivated individual, what inspires you to do so?

I can’t help it. You can be positive or negative, why would you be negative when you could choose to be positive? It’s a choice. It’s the same with motivation. I can’t not be; if there’s something I want to do I’m gonna go for it and work at it.

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You’re from Shannon, but you live in Dublin and I’m sure you’ve done plenty of travelling in your years. But where do you call home?

Shannon is definitely home. I grew up and went to school there and my folks are still there so I would consider that home. I don’t live in Dublin at the moment. There is illness in my family so this is my base at the minute.

You have spent quite a while working on a new project, a book you’ve just released in collaboration with Fatti Burke and Keith Nally. What made you take on such a project? It’s not every day someone publishes their own book.

Yup! This is a three person project; me, Fatti and Keith. The motivation for the book came when it became very clear to me that everything is all just me. Everything I do, the way I react to things and the meaning I give to things is all just a reflection of the conversation I’m having with myself inside my head. ‘My Self Talk.’ Lots of it good and some bad. Ultimately it’s about being responsible for your experience and seeing that your experience of the world is a reflection in the conversations you are having with yourself about it. You are not in the world, the world is in you. Events happen, but it’s our response that shapes the way we see the event. From there I just felt I had to write about it and present it in way that would make people want to read it. It’s not every day that someone publishes their own book, that’s true enough and the battle of overcoming myself doubt about putting it out was an experience in itself. Doubt is Self Talk, overcoming doubt is Self Talk. What’s it gonna be? I talk a little about this in the ‘Beliefs’ chapter.


From the sneak peek of content I’ve seen, so far the book strikes me as a fun fresh take on human psychology. Could you tell us a little bit more about the topics the book covers? How did you want it to be portrayed to your readers?

I’m glad it strikes you that way. That’s the intention. It’s a tight and compact read. There are 7 chapters. Self Talk, Beliefs, Judging People, Gratitude, Being Present, Diet, Exercise. You’ll have to read it to see what I’m getting at. I wanted it to be portrayed as something that would enrich the way people look at their world. Simple as that!

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There is nothing more satisfying then when an idea comes to fruition. I’d say you must be over the moon that the book is now a tactile object. How will you be celebrating?

It’s a little surreal but very cool. The first celebration is within. Honestly, just acknowledging myself for having the balls to follow through. Then I’ll be out buzzing around town with friends. There may be a whiskey or two. Moderation is mentioned in the book. Manage indulgence!

Do you have any plans to turn the book into a series? Would you consider publishing any further books in the future?

I’m pretty sure there could to be a pt.2 or another book with a different title. I can’t say just yet though. I want to get feedback from people once it’s out. If they love it and it has a positive impact I will definitely write more.

Paul will be launching his new book “Self Talk” this Friday at the Library Project, Temple Bar at 7pm. Here, you can have a look at the book and maybe pick up a copy for yourself. We’re looking forward to it!

Words: SBK Fox