October 16, 2014 – Culture

BLAST, is a live point-and-click adventure game that puts you in control. As as part of Hilary O’Shaughnessy’s curation, PROTOTYPE PLAYS in Project Arts Centre – Fake Geek Girl explains why you should be in control this weekend.

Point-and-click games are my jam. They tend to be story driven, chock full of puzzles, and have the feel of those old ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ books that I loved as a kid.

I also love theatre. I love the the feeling of an actual live cast and performances in front of you – it gives the space a bit of soul.

So when I hear that the clearly-very-cool guys at the Project Arts Centre in Temple Bar are combing these two things, to say I’m excited is a massive understatement.

Prototype Plays is a festival of play and interaction happening on the 17th and the 18th of October and is curated by the oh so lovely Hilary O’Shaughnessy. The festival consists of two game related performances, and I’m still not sure which one I’m more excited about?


Blast is a live point-and-click game that will put the audience in control. Two imprisoned men await execution and the audience will have to work together to save the day. In the tradition of most  point-and-click games, there are multiple outcomes and each game is unique.

Expect puzzles to be solved and controls to be shared. If anything is likely to bring back memories of negotiating with siblings over whose turn it is to get a go of the game, this might be it. Players will also have the opportunity to give live feedback to the creator of the game prototype.

Several Amazing Things About Tetris (1984) is a performance piece about Tetris, obsession, and amazing things. Live music, video games, and projection will give the audience a small taste of the curios that litter the history of Tetris.


If, like me, you attribute your ability to pack economically to the many many hours spent playing this addictive game, you are going to love-love-love this. And if you’ve never played Tetris (which is like someone saying they never played ‘Snake’ on a Nokia 3310), prepare to get addicted to this game. You can download it to play on most smartphones now and feel it take over your life. On the bright side, it’ll make waiting for the bus just that little less tedious.

So whether you’re a gaming newbie or an old hat, get your gorgeous faces and cute butts down to the Project Arts Centre this Friday and Saturday. I’ll be the one in the Tetris tee-shirt. Tickets can be gotten here!

Do you want to gain a little more of an insight to the brains behind the festival? Click here!