Pockets launch EP Raisonc d’etre

November 18, 2014 – Culture

A perfect winter-warmer for one of those miserable November evenings, Galway band Pockets launch their EP Raison d’etre in the always cosy Grand Social. Pockets’ knack for great songwriting is apparent after a listen to the tantalising EP teaser “Alone”. After very many listens I can confirm one thing  – they can really write a catchy earworm. Not the parasitic kind that rot your brain because they refuse to play anything other than the annoying repetitive radio station at work, though. Folky acoustic guitar slowly morphs into atmospheric alternative rock, resulting in the kind of song you want to have stuck in your head, the interesting kind. Faustina Finnerty’s vocals are immediately impressive. She clearly knows how to use her voice, switching with ease from sweet to shouty deliveries of addictive melodies. Judging by “Alone”, the launch of Raison d’etre should have some real treats in store.

When & where? The Grand Social, Wednesday 19th November

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Words: Cara Spelman