D Light Market

August 1, 2014 – Culture
Busy event bee Sarah has graced her presence at a market she’s not yet attended. She shocked herself!

Facebook invites came around for the D light market and not being one to turn down an event, especially one I had never been to before, I clicked the ‘join’ button. Which is exactly what I intended to do.

The weather was beyond miserable, nobody in their right mind would have willingly left the house but, against better judgement I grabbed my brolly and went on my way.


Upon arriving (shivering and soaked I might add) I was instantly struck by the beautiful bright setting in which the market was being held. It was a grand open space with more natural light than a hangover would be comfortable with! There was food on offer, ladies selling all sorts of clothing from hand-made to hand-me-down, a fortune teller and a DJ pumping out jazzy beats. Each vendor had their items carefully displayed as to avoid rummaging and create an elegant shopping environment.

d light

This grand open room had two side sections off it; one spacious and airy, with a children’s play area, another with a small cafe type stall and plenty of couches enveloped in romantic lighting.




Taking this impressive market up another notch was their ‘BYO’ policy so a few cans were cracked, some delicious wholesome food was purchased and a seat was acquired. I took the time to look through the stalls and see what was on offer, there was some impressive talent from a girl selling ‘bitches love apparel’ branded t-shirts while other vendors were offering well selected pre-loved items.

The vibe was really chilled with a great summer feel and retro tunes reminiscent of the good ol’ toe jam days. The turnout wasn’t near what you would expect for a Saturday market with so much to offer but the fact that we were experiencing near apocalyptic weather had no doubt contributed to the lack of footfall.

Attending events like this reminds me that despite apparent well versed knowledge of this beautiful city and all that it has to offer, there is still so much to experience. Who would have thought that this amiable space existed amongst North Strand suburbia?


Keep your eye out for the next event on Dlight Studio Facebook page. Delightful! 

Words & Photography by i come undone